Simplify your equipment management
Find equipment quickly, only pay for the tools you need and run more efficient jobsites
Missing or broken tools? Equipment lying around unused? Out-of-date safety certifications? Managing your resources can be time-consuming and expensive.
But what if you could swap downtime and wasteful spending for real-time visibility over all your assets? And what about an all-inclusive tool service including fast, free repairs? How about doing virtually all your applications on one battery platform? Or data-driven services to help you decide what tools and equipment you really need? Ready to get started?
More productive jobsites with Nuron cordless tools
More than 100 tools for virtually all your jobs – all on one cordless platform. That’s what you get with Nuron. But it's about more than just high performance and a streamlined tool crib: Nuron also drives our tool fleet and equipment tracking solutions to the next level. That's because Nuron provides system data on tool location, usage and utilization. Combine the data-driven services of Nuron with our ON!track and Fleet Management solutions for more productive jobsites than ever.
Boost productivity with the connected Nuron cordless platformTransparency over your equipment with ON!Track
Tired of wasting time looking for equipment or spending money on unnecessary replacement tools? Boost efficiency with real-time asset tracking. You'll also benefit from automated alerts for critical issues like worker cerfication or tool maintenance. Our ON!Track digital solution gives you visibility over all your tools, equipment and material from the back office to the warehouse to the jobsite – no matter what the brand. Because with transparency comes efficiency.
Get transparency over your equipment and material with ON!TrackSimpler tool administration with Fleet Management
Hilti’s Fleet Management solution is an all-in-one service package for your tools. Sign up and get everything from the latest, high-performing tools to fast, free repairs and our Tools on Demand service for peak periods. It's all covered by a flat fee which means no upfront investment and no nasty surprises when it comes to tool costs. Plus our experts will help you make sure you have the right tools for your needs. Let us take care of your tools so you can concentrate on running your business.
Simplify tool park management with Fleet ManagementLess downtime with faster tool repairs
We stand behind our tools. That's why we offer two-year no-cost coverage from date of purchase. But even quality tools break down. And when that happens, your teams risk falling behind schedule. Let us help keep your teams working with our guaranteed three-day turnaround for repairs. Order and track repairs directly from the jobsite via our website or with the Hilti ON!Track mobile app. Or get in touch with our customer service team.
Discover our industry-leading tool repair serviceChoose the right equipment solution for your business
Tailored solutions for every construction firm – including yours
From fast repairs as standard to expert consulting on how to develop your tool crib, we offer different levels of service for our equipment management solutions. Explore what solution works best for you.